Cervical Spondylosis / Neck Pain

Cervical Spondylosis / Neck Pain

Cervical spondylosis

It is also known as cervical osteoarthritis or neck arthritis, is a condition that affects the joints and discs in the cervical spine (neck).


It’s typically caused by the natural wear and tear of the bones and tissues in the neck area as people age.
The condition involves changes to the bones, discs, and connective tissues in the neck.


Neck Pain, Stiffness, and sometimes numbness or weakness in the arms or hands.

Risk Factor

Common risk factors for cervical spondylosis include aging, previous neck injuries, repetitive neck movements or poor posture, genetic factors, and smoking.


Treatment for cervical spondylosis often includes a combination of pain management techniques such as over-the-counter or prescription medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and in some cases, surgery may be recommended if symptoms are severe or if nerve compression is present. However, most cases can be managed effectively with conservative measures.

Tag; #CervicalSpondylitisAwareness #NeckPainRelief #SpineHealth #PhysicalTherapy #ChronicPainWarrior #HealthyNeck #PainManagement #StayActive #PreventCervicalSpondylitis #StrongSpine

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