What Is Neurological Disorder

What Is Neurological Disorder

Neurological disorders are a group of illnesses that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves that branch out from these areas and into other parts of the body.

The nervous system is responsible for multiple bodily processes. Depending on the part of the nervous system the neurological condition affects, a person may experience difficulties with the following:

  • movement
  • sensations
  • eating and drinking
  • swallowing
  • breathing
  • speech
  • learning
  • memory
  • mood

There are more than 600 neurological disorders with various causes. Some of these causes include:

  • genetic disorder
  • congenital abnormalities
  • infections
  • brain injuries.


Headaches is the most common form of pain. There are many types of headaches, including:

  • migraine
  • sinus headache
  • cluster headache

The most common type of headache is tension headache caused by tight muscles in the:

  • neck
  • jaw
  • scalp
  • shoulders

Common triggers include:

  • stress
  • lack of sleep
  • missing meals
  • alcohol consumption


People may find relief from tension headaches by taking an over-the -counter (OTC) pain reliever or making appropriate lifestyle changes.

People can usually treat headaches at home. However, some headaches can signal a more serious underlying condition that requires medical attention.

A person should inform their doctor if they experience any of the following:

  • regular headaches occurring more than 15 days within a month
  • a sudden, severe headache
  • a headache following a blow to the head
  • a headache in combination with any of the following symptoms:
    • fever
    • stiff neck
    • pain in the ear or eye confusion
    • loss of consciousness

Epilepsy and seizures

Epilepsy is a condition in which sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain cause seizures trusted source. The condition can begin at any age, but typically begins in childhood or in people over the age of 60.

Most cases of epilepsy do not have an identifiable cause. However, seizures occasionally occur as a result of the following:

  • stroke
  • brain tumor.
  • brain infection.
  • severe head injury
  • drug misuse alcohol misuse.
  • a lack of oxygen during birth

Seizure types

There are two main types of seizures.
generalized seizures affecting both sides of the brain, and focal seizures affecting one specific area of the brain.

The two types of generalized seizures are:

  • Absence seizure: absence seizures may cause symptoms of rapid blinking or staring into space.
  • Tonic- Clonic seizure: Tonic-Clonic seizures may cause the following symptoms:
    • crying out
    • falling to the ground
    • muscle spasms or jerks
    • loss of consciousness

The three types of focal seizures are:

  • Simple focal seizure: These can cause twitching and an unusual taste or smell.
  • Complex focal seizure: These may cause confusion or disorientation.
  • Secondary generalized seizure: Consists of a focal seizure, followed by a generalized seizure.


Treatment for epilepsy involves self-management to better control trusted source seizures and overall health when possible. The treatment plan may include the following:

  • taking prescription anti-seizure-medication
  • keeping a record of seizures and seizure trigger
  • getting an adequate amount of sleep
  • managing stress levels
  • exercising regularly

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

The term “dementia” refers to a group of symptoms associated with a progressive decline in brain function. There are various forms of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease (AD)  is the most common.

The most significant risk factor for AD is advancing age. The majority of people with AD are age 65 or older.

Signs of AD may include:

  • memory loss
  • losing or misplacing items
  • wandering and getting lost
  • repeating questions
  • poor judgment
  • difficulty handling money and paying bills
  • taking longer to complete everyday tasks
  • loss of spontaneity and sense of initiative
  • increased anxiety, aggression, or both
  • mood and personality changes


There is currently no cure for AD. However, the Alzheimer states that the drug aducanumab (Aduhelm) is reasonably likely to reduce the decline in brain function among people living with early AD.



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